
OmBrukt AS is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Consumer Electronic Trade Foundation. The company’s main task is to administer an aproval scheme for the reuse of consumer electronics. The goal is to reduce the volume of electronic waste. Many products can bed reused, and this is in accordance with the European Union’s investment in the circular economy. The products are sorted from the electronic waste, tested , cleaned, and if necessary repaired by approved repaircenters. A label is put on the products, and they are registeres in a nordic database for reused products. The approved products are then sold in the market by our approved Ombrukt-partners. All the products are sold with two years warranty. The warranty provides extra security for consumers when buying a reused product.

OmBrukt AS
Stiftelsen Elektronikkbransjen (Consumer Electronics Trade Foundation)
Fyrstikkalléen 3 A, 0661 Oslo, Norway
Postboks 6640 Etterstad, 0607 Oslo, Norway
+47 23 06 07 07
Legal Form: AS – Org no: NO926807951 MVA
Bank: 1506.60.78253

Managing Director Pål Haugen
paal@ombrukt.no // +47 90 02 37 18


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